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Meglena Stilianova Kuneva

Meglena Stilianova Kuneva


  • not corrupt
  • less corrupt
  • corrupt
  • very corrupt
  • ultra corrupt
Rating(0-100): 89 out of 16 votes.


  • competent
  • a little bit incompetent
  • incompetent
  • very incompetent
  • ultra incompetent
Rating(0-100): 81 out of 16 votes.

Connection with the former Communist Party

  • not connected
  • less connected
  • connected
  • very connected
  • ultra connected
Rating(0-100): 74 out of 22 votes.

Connection with Russia

  • not connected
  • less connected
  • connected
  • very connected
  • ultra connected
Rating(0-100): 67 out of 15 votes.

Birth Date: 22/06/1957 Sofia, Bulgaria

Connection with the criminal communist organization:

- Kuneva’s family was part of Catholic community in Rakovski city and was in no way connected to the communist party. On the contrary, her father Stilian Kunev was a Bulgarian Actor who was sent by the communists to a concentration camp. Her grandfather was a lawyer who graduated the Paris Sorbonne University.

- The person Meglena Kuneva however displayed ingenuity falling in love with the right person. On April 22, 1984 she married Andrei Pramov son of the Bulgarian communist and a member of the Bulgarian Communist Party Ivan Pramov, chairman of the Central Cooperative Union. She adopted the family name Pramova. It changed her life. Instead of going into the list of persons with a “bad class background “ like many others, she got a brilliant career.


National Assembly: Elected with: Participation in Parliamentary Groups: Profession: Languages: Constituency:
40 National Assembly "National Movement Simeon the Second" 21.83% National Movement Simeon the Second Jurist English; French; Russian cy: 19-RUSE

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Many parties but only one choice – the communist partyX

Many parties but only one choice – the communist party

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