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Mihail Raykov Mikov

Mihail Raykov Mikov


  • not corrupt
  • less corrupt
  • corrupt
  • very corrupt
  • ultra corrupt
Rating(0-100): 64 out of 7 votes.


  • competent
  • a little bit incompetent
  • incompetent
  • very incompetent
  • ultra incompetent
Rating(0-100): 55 out of 5 votes.

Connection with the former Communist Party

  • not connected
  • less connected
  • connected
  • very connected
  • ultra connected
Rating(0-100): 60 out of 5 votes.

Connection with Russia

  • not connected
  • less connected
  • connected
  • very connected
  • ultra connected
Rating(0-100): 54 out of 7 votes.

Birth Date: 16/06/1960 Kula, Bulgaria

Connection with the criminal communist party:

- Mikov grew up in a communist family. His mother was an ancestral communist. His grandfather from the side of his mother Valko Tzokov, was the head of the Kula education. His father was a part of the farmer movement, graduated from the former Institute of Economics Karl Marx and also he was an accountant and a banker, and two terms a secretary of Kula municipality.

- During the regime where ordinary people could hardly go from city to city in Bulgaria, Mikov freely traveled in Europe and the USA for his academic specializations.

- Mihail Mihov was a member of the Communist Party

- After the transition he remains true to the red cause and remains a member of the criminal communist party.

- At 48th Congress of the party Mihail Mikov was elected chairman of the party (on 28/07/2014)


Connection with Russia:

- There is no information at the moment, besides belonging to the red cause. As a student in the 9th grade, he went on an excursion organized by his school in the USSR - Moscow, Kiev, and Rovno. His school friends were telling that at the meetings with local youth there Mikov hold all the speeches on behalf of the Bulgarian group.


National Assembly: Elected with: Participation in Parliamentary Groups: Profession: Languages: Constituency:
39 National Assembly "Coalition for Bulgaria" 17.15% Coalition for Bulgaria     cy: 5-VIDIN
40 National Assembly "Coalition for Bulgaria" 33.98% Coalition for Bulgaria Jurist French; Russian; Serbian; Croatian cy: 5-VIDIN
41 National Assembly "Coalition for Bulgaria" 17.70% Coalition for Bulgaria Jurist French; Russian; Serbian; Croatian cy: 5-VIDIN
42 National Assembly CP "Coalition for Bulgaria" 26.61% Coalition for Bulgaria     cy: 5-VIDIN
43 National Assembly BSP Leftist Bulgaria 15.40% BSP Leftist Bulgaria cy: 25-SOFIA 3

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Many parties but only one choice – the communist partyX

Many parties but only one choice – the communist party

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