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Tsetska Tsacheva Dangovska

Tsetska Tsacheva Dangovska


  • not corrupt
  • less corrupt
  • corrupt
  • very corrupt
  • ultra corrupt
Rating(0-100): 96 out of 19 votes.


  • competent
  • a little bit incompetent
  • incompetent
  • very incompetent
  • ultra incompetent
Rating(0-100): 90 out of 20 votes.

Connection with the former Communist Party

  • not connected
  • less connected
  • connected
  • very connected
  • ultra connected
Rating(0-100): 75 out of 30 votes.

Connection with Russia

  • not connected
  • less connected
  • connected
  • very connected
  • ultra connected
Rating(0-100): 74 out of 20 votes.

Birth Date: 24/05/1958 Dragana, Bulgaria

Connection with the criminal communist organization:

- A member of the Communist Party and a Party Secretary of the District Council in Pleven

- There is no information at the moment about her family and their party affiliation. There are rumors that the reason for her career and the membership in the party is due to her ingenuity. Originally Tzacheva worked as a machinist at a local factory. But the membership in the Communist Party radically changed her life. She was sent by the party to continue her education in law in the workers’ faculty (Rabfak) without examination for three years in absentia. After her graduation she was appointed to work in the County Council - Pleven. The protections of her benefactor turned out to be enough for the former blue collar worker to become a chief lawyer in the District Council. Tzacheva grew rapidly in the party structure and quickly elevated to the post of party secretary.

National Assembly: Elected with: Participation in Parliamentary Groups: Profession: Languages: Constituency:
41 National Assembly GERB 39.70% Political Party GERB Jurist   cy: 15-PLEVEN
42 National Assembly PP "GERB" 30.54% Political Party GERB Jurist German; Russian cy: 15-PLEVEN
43 National Assembly PP GERB 32.67% Political Party GERB     cy: 15-PLEVEN

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Many parties but only one choice – the communist partyX

Many parties but only one choice – the communist party

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